
dog collar identifies your pet as yours so you’ll be contacted if they get lost and can protect them from danger by securing them to you. However, a puppy won’t have any experience with a collar. Follow the steps below to help them get used to it.

How to Acclimate Puppies to Dog Collars

1. Start Light

Find a high-quality expandable collar that you can adjust as your puppy grows. Leave the tags off at first since the jingling will be distracting for them. Avoid any dog collars that could be painful, such as choke chains or prong collars. After your dog has successfully worn the collar for a week, add the tags. If you want to skip tags, try a collar with a custom plate.

2. Transition Slowly

dog collarsYour puppy will be curious about the collar, so give them a chance to explore it. Hold the collar out and let them sniff it. They may mouth it a little, but don’t allow them to chew on it. Put the collar on for a few minutes, then take it off. Do this several times a day, leaving it on a bit longer each time. After a few days of this, you can try leaving it on indefinitely.

3. Distract Them

If your dog starts pawing and biting at the collar when you put it on them, distract them. Giving them a treat or playing a game will get their mind off the collar. Starting a training session right after putting the collar on may work as well.


Starting with a comfortable and durable collar will make the process more rewarding for both you and your pup. Over Under Clothing carries a wide selection of dog accessories to outfit man’s best friend. All of their dog supplies are 100% American made and come with a lifetime warranty against defects. Shop their dog collars online, and call (904) 619-0577 with any questions.
