
This content has been reviewed and updated on 7/1/2021.

As summer vacation ends, parents spend more time preparing their children for their return to school. There's shopping for clothes and supplies, rearranging schedules, and making sure the kids have a clean bill of health. With the help of a dentist and the tips below, your children's teeth will be as ready as they are when the first bell rings. 

What Are Dental Health Tips for Kids in School?

1. Schedule an Exam

Like adults, children should have two dental cleanings every year. Baby teeth need to be protected, so they can ensure the permanent teeth grow straight and even. Bi-annual exams allow dentists to treat early signs of tooth decay and cavities before they become a source of discomfort. Preventative care may also help their performance in school. Children with dental care needs will miss more classes, which can negatively impact their grade point average. With routine exams and cleanings, they're more likely to stay ahead in their studies. 

Visiting the dentist can also boost their morale. Healthy smiles are confident smiles, which will benefit them socially, especially as they get older

2. Pack Healthy Snacks 


Sugary snacks are tasty, but they're best given out sparingly. Snacks with a high sugar content tend to stick to the teeth, attracting bacteria that will wear down tooth enamel and cause decay. Salty treats are also an issue. They're starchy and become sticky when chewed, attracting the same unhealthy bacteria.

Pack healthy snacks, like apples and raw pears. They help stimulate saliva production to clear away oral debris, which would otherwise attract bacteria. These fruits can also neutralize acids that lead to tooth decay. Adding vegetables provide both vital nutrients and vitamins that benefit a child's oral health. Crunchy vegetables, like carrots and celery, stimulate saliva production, as well, helping to clean your child's teeth. 

3. Prioritize Teeth Cleaning 

Brushing and flossing don't have to be a chore. Having children select their own toothbrushes and toothpaste can make oral hygiene more fun and give them a sense of control. If you play their favorite songs while brushing, they're also more likely to associate dental care with activities they enjoy. 

The younger the kids are, the more they'll want to emulate your behavior. Brushing and flossing beside them will set a positive example and make them interested in doing the same. The more they see your routine, the more likely they are to understand its importance. 


If your children are due for a visit to the dentist, don't delay. Healthy teeth free of discomfort help kids focus at school. When you're ready to make their next appointment, the kid-friendly team at Richmond Hill Family & Cosmetic Dentistry in Richmond Hill, GA, are here for you. Their office features state-of-the-art equipment, and their staff provides compassionate care. To schedule an appointment, call (912) 756-3880 or visit them online to learn more.
