
Many teens and young adults undergo oral surgery in the form of wisdom teeth removal. This is a very common procedure and most patients tolerate it well. If your dentist has scheduled an upcoming wisdom tooth extraction, the following information will help you prepare. 

Why Wisdom Teeth Need to Be Removed

Wisdom teeth tend to grow when a person is in their late teens, and you might not need to remove them. However, certain circumstances may cause your dentist to recommend the procedure. For instance, impacted teeth—those that remain trapped under the gum line—can cause pain and discomfort. You may also experience dental crowding as your wisdom teeth come in, which affects the positioning of your other teeth. Crowding can make brushing and flossing more difficult, which increases the risk of gum disease and decay. 

What to Expect During the Procedure

oral surgeryThe extraction of wisdom teeth is usually a straightforward oral surgery procedure. Anesthesia is provided so you won’t experience pain or discomfort. If the teeth are impacted, the dentist makes a small incision in your gum to access them. The teeth in question are extracted and the surgical site is sutured. This is typically a short procedure, lasting about 45 minutes.


Most people experience slight pain and swelling after oral surgery, which usually subsides in a few days. You can use an ice pack for any facial swelling, while over-the-counter pain medication is usually sufficient. You should also eat a diet of soft food until the surgical site heals. You can resume your dental care routine by the second day—be careful around the area where the tooth was extracted. 


If you or your teen requires wisdom tooth removal in Baraboo, WI, Oral Surgery Center is here to help. When performing this type of oral surgery, they provide patients with a comprehensive post-operative kit. They’re also equipped to perform may other dental procedures, including bone grafting, treatment of facial trauma, and dental implants. They can also offer general dentistry treatments, including exams and X-rays. Schedule an appointment today by calling (608) 356-2112 or visit the website for more information. 
