
When you provide your children with regular dental care from a dentist, you help ensure that their teeth last. However, it’s also important to make sure your kids brush their teeth at least twice a day and floss at least once daily to protect against tooth decay and gum disease. The tips below will help you maintain your child’s oral health between checkups at the dentist. 

3 Dental Care Tips to Protect Your Child’s Teeth

1. Drink Lots of Water

Teeth have an outer layer of enamel, which protects them from developing cavities and tartar buildups, a sticky substance that forms on teeth and around the gum line. Sugary or sticky foods and drinks can eat away at the enamel. Have your child drink at least eight cups of water a day to protect the coating on the teeth. Drinking helps wash away the sugar on the teeth.

2. Rinse After Consuming Acidic Foods & Drinks

dental careFoods with a tomato base, grains, processed foods, orange juice, lemonade, and carbonated sodas contain citrus acids. Whole grains, vegetables, and fresh fruit are good for the body, but acids in them weaken tooth enamel in a process dentists call demineralization.

Rinsing the mouth with water for 30 seconds after consuming these types of foods and drinks reduces the negative effects of acids on teeth. Rinsing with water after eating also encourages saliva creation and keeps a healthy pH balance in the mouth, fighting cavities.

3. Strengthen Enamel With Fluoride

Fluoride is a natural substance that strengthens tooth enamel, lessening the negative effects of acid and sugar on teeth. Using fluoride toothpaste and drinking fluoridated water are easy ways to ensure your child’s teeth get a strengthening boost. Also, ask your pediatric dentist whether fluoride supplements are needed.  


The caring dentists at Four Corners Dental Group offer reliable, affordable dental care throughout Wasilla and Anchorage, AK. Adults and children receive a variety of services from a skilled and experienced family dentistry team. Get the personalized care you need and the individualized attention you deserve. To schedule a dentist appointment at their Anchorage office, call (907) 258-3384. Call (907) 376-2790 to reach their Wasilla location. Visit their website now to learn more about their dental care services.
