
A homeowner relies on a septic tank for wastewater management, but unfortunately, in Ohio, 31% of our systems are failing. You should understand your system to ensure your lines continue to operate. Below states three notions you may have heard, and tells you why they’re false.

Separate Septic Tank Fiction (from Fact)

1. Additives Are Alternatives to Pumping 

Additives are just extra measures to eliminate organic human waste. They don’t help with clogs from thick paper towels and other matter. According to the EPA, you need to pump your septic tank. To be safe, have your system inspected every year and keep your maintenance records.

2. Only Pump When There Are Issues

septic tankPump every three to five years. Waiting for a problem to pump creates a dangerous situation exposing your family to hazardous waste. Waste can infiltrate your drinking water and back up into your sinks, tubs, and toilets. There’s also the risk of having to pay for a whole system replacement if waste begins plugging pipes in the drain field. The underground segment needs to be maintained every 15 to 20 years.

3. Temporary Structures Overhead Are Fine

Building anything on top of your line may lead to a variety of issues. For instance, it can hinder your drain field from getting all the oxygen it needs to treat the wastewater. Or a structure may block pumping access to the container. Placing too much weight over the septic tank can also cause irreparable damage, requiring you to invest in a new installation. 


If you have any questions about your septic system, don’t hesitate to contact Winelco. Their team of highly skilled professionals offers tank cleaning, pumping, aerobic wastewater treatment, and waste removal. For six decades, they have proudly served as a top wastewater contractor in the greater Cincinnati, OH, area. Call (513) 755-8050 to schedule service or visit them online for more information on their offerings.
