
Deciding to end your relationship can be emotionally challenging, even if it’s the right choice. Formally ending a marriage under divorce law can also be complex. An experienced lawyer can help guide you through the process and protect your best interests. While each case is different, most follow the same general steps. The guide below will help you understand what to expect. 

What Divorce Entails


Under divorce law, ending a legal partnership begins with filing a complaint for dissolution of marriage. Only one party is allowed to file a complaint, even in amicable circumstances. If that role falls to you, you or your divorce attorney need to complete the required paperwork and submit it to the applicable court. 

Temporary Hearing

Temporary hearings are designed to put short-term rules in place. For some situations, this step requires requesting spousal financial support or determining access to a home, car, or banking accounts. These hearings may be used to create and enforce parenting time rules and support amounts until the case is complete. 


divorce lawThe most significant challenge for many separated couples is coming to a financial agreement. For the negotiation phase, you both have to decide how to split your assets, including money and property. During this stage, alimony agreements are also made. 

When children are involved, the two parties are required to set an agreement about parenting time and legal decision-making, followed by child support or monetary contribution percentages. Negotiations can be made directly between individuals, or each person can send their requests and changes through lawyers. If neither party agrees, the case goes to trial in which the court decides the outcome. 

Order of Dissolution

The order of dissolution legally ends the marriage. The divorce law document covers all aspects of asset distribution, alimony, parenting time, and child support. With successful negotiations, the legal teams file the paperwork. However, if a trial is involved, the court handles this document. 


Life sometimes brings unexpected challenges. If you need legal representation to help you through, count on Law Offices of Lenkowsky & Fontenot. Located in Bullhead, AZ, they’ve been practicing family and divorce law for over 30 years. Call them at (928) 758-4815 to schedule a consultation now or visit their website to read their attorney profiles. 
