
No matter how well you take care of your vehicle, you’ll inevitably require auto repair sometime in the future. A faulty transmission is one of the most issues a driver can face, as it affects the entire vehicle’s operation. Here are five signs that your vehicle’s transmission needs to be fixed.

Signs Your Transmission Needs Auto Repairs

1. Lit Transmission Light

Your transmission light doesn’t necessarily mean you need an engine tune-up right away. Sometimes the light comes on because of a simple electrical error. However, it’s good to be more cautious if it’s illuminated. Monitor the vehicle for other signs of a faulty transmission and schedule auto repairs as soon as you notice any of them.

2. Leaking Fluids

Auto RepairsIf you notice that the vehicle is leaking transmission fluid, take it to an auto repair shop immediately. Whether you notice a puddle building up at your normal parking spot or see that the transmission fluid is low, it’s a sign that there’s a problem.

3. Frequent Trouble Changing Gears

While driving, be aware of how smoothly your vehicle transitions from one gear to another. With a fully functional transmission, the shift should be instantaneous. If you experience a delayed response or feel a jarring switch, it’s likely a problem with the transmission.

4. Strange Noises

When your transmission starts to make unusual sounds, this is an indication that something is wrong. Grinding gears while driving or a bumping sound while the car is in neutral gear are signs that an auto mechanic should examine the transmission.

5. Unpleasant Odors

If you ever smell a burning odor coming from the transmission area, take it in for engine repairs. The smell can be caused by a variety of issues, but it’s typically the burning of the transmission fluid. If this isn’t addressed through immediate auto repairs, it will lead to bigger problems.



If you’re having issues with your transmission that require auto repairs, contact the experts at L & B Auto Repair in Brooklyn, NY. Their highly trained team of mechanics have the experience and technology needed to provide a thorough diagnostic exam of your entire engine. If they find a problem, they offer fast and reliable repairs to get you back on the road. Schedule an appointment by calling (718) 398-6228.