
Modern medicine states that healthy food promotes better physical health, but mental health can also be affected by diet. More and more studies have popped up explaining how food may change how we feel and even help people manage their depression. Here is how what you eat affects your overall mood and mental health.

How Your Diet Affects Your Mental Health

Good Physical Health Means Better Mental Health

It’s commonly accepted that good physical health equates to better mental and emotional health, but is this actually true? Well, there’s a budding body of research that says it is. People who exercise regularly and eat healthy diets experience better physical health and, in turn, mental health. For instance, one recent study found a connection in those that ate the healthy Mediterranean Diet and lower symptoms of depression. Many physicians believe that a good diet is just as important to mental health as it is to physical health.

Unhealthy Food, Unhealthy Mind

depressionOn the other side of the spectrum, multiple studies have shown a connection between poor food habits and negative mental health traits. Children and adolescents who eat sugary foods, as opposed to vegetables and fatty fish, have a higher risk of developing ADHD. Studies show that a diet with too many refined sugars impairs mental function, worsening depression symptoms.

Nutrient Deficiencies

There’s obviously a correlation between a good diet and good mental health; on the other hand, poor nutrition choices can lead to worsening mental health overall. This may be in part due to deficiencies in nutrients integral to brain and heart health. For instance, fatty fish, which is high in omega-3 fatty acids, is a key part of a healthy diet. The Western or classic American diet is low in fatty fish and is, therefore, often deficient in omega-3. Individuals who take a supplement experience better control over impulsivity and hyperactivity. There seems to be a connection between nutritional deficiencies and mental health, and the more nutrients you have through a healthy diet and needed supplements, the better your mental health may be.


To better understand how your diet impacts your physical and mental health, and other ways to manage depression, see a family doctor at Lexington Family Physicians in Lexington, NC. Their comprehensive care goes beyond diet; they can also help with diabetes, heart health, and other physical ailments. Effective, comprehensive, and caring preventative medicine starts with a phone call at (336) 249-3329 or by visiting their website.
