
While root canals may have a scary reputation, they’re actually a useful procedure made much more comfortable by modern techniques. Your dentist can use this option to save a tooth that would otherwise need to be extracted. Before your appointment, make sure you're prepared for your recovery to ensure a smooth day.

How to Prepare for a Root Canal

1. Ask for Help

During your root canal, you'll be under anesthesia to help ensure your comfort. Afterward, you won't be able to drive and may need someone to sit with you for a few hours until the medication wears off. Arrange in advance to take at least a day off work and to have someone such as a friend or family member with you during the recovery period.

2. Stock Up on Soft Foods

root canalAfter a root canal, you should avoid eating anything hard, crunchy, sticky, or especially hot for a few days. Your soft diet could consist of applesauce, pudding, mashed potatoes, ice cream, jello, soft pasta dishes, and cooled soups. Make sure to have these foods on hand, and also eat well leading up to the procedure, since the anesthesia can cause nausea and you may not be able to eat until it wears off.

3. Discuss Medications With Your Dentist

Talk to your dentist about the anesthesia to make sure it won't interact with any medications you're taking or conditions you have. You’re also likely to need antibiotics after the procedure, so pick them up in advance if possible. If you need additional pain relief, over-the-counter analgesics like ibuprofen are often recommended.


For a skilled root canal to save a damaged tooth, choose Wayne T. Martin, D.D.S., P.C. Based in Gulf Shores, AL, and serving all of Baldwin County, they have an A+ rating with the BBB® and believe strongly in working with you as a team to improve your oral health. To make an appointment with Dr. Wayne T. Martin or Dr. Cornor J. Rutledge, call (251) 968-4446 or use the convenient online scheduler.
