
When homes and communities rely on wells for drinking, ensuring water quality is crucial. Today, well monitoring is high-tech with solutions that make maintaining safety simpler and more accurate than ever. If you depend on well water for yourself and your family, here are the top do’s and don’ts of clean, healthy water usage.


Inspect your well’s location.

Safeguard your water supply by making sure wells are located at least 100 feet away from septic, oil, and chemical tanks. If you have a septic tank, maintain it to prevent overflows that can reach groundwater.

Clean your well.well monitoring

Disinfect your well regularly. Not only does the process keep your well safe and clean, but it also enhances its production capability. In the meantime, also keep an eye out for common signs of contamination.

Cap it.

Make sure wellheads rise at least 12 inches above the ground and include a sealed, sanitary cap to keep out surface water, wildlife, and other contamination. The ground around the head should slope away for drainage.

Prevent backflow.

Ensure that hoses and outside faucets have backflow prevention devices installed. Otherwise, dirt and other contaminants can siphon backward into your water supply, making well monitoring all the more important.


Damage your well.

It may sound obvious, but it only takes a momentary distraction to accidentally bump the casing with a lawnmower. Stay aware when engaging in any activity around a well.

Consume well water after flooding.

Don’t drink water from your well or use it for cleaning after a storm or flooding. Always make sure the water has been tested for safety before resuming usage.

Keep chemicals nearby.

Don’t bring gas, paint, fertilizer, pesticides, or other chemicals anywhere near your well. The further you keep pollutants away, the safer you’ll be. And never dispose of any hazardous materials by pouring them on the ground or down the drain on your property.

Neglect your well.

Check your well consistently for safety. Regular well monitoring for coliform bacteria and other dangerous contaminants gives you healthy peace of mind. You may also want to check for minerals and other substances that affect well water’s feel and taste.


The most important Do is to consult trusted, licensed specialists for monitoring and service of your well. GeoTek Alaska proudly serves Anchorage, AK, and its surrounding areas with geophysical services including state-of-art well monitoring, groundwater sampling, auger drilling, and more. You can get in touch with their experts by calling  (907) 569-5900 or visiting them online today.
