
The vehicle you rely on every day for commuting to work and around town was just involved in an accident. Thankfully, everyone was fine but now you have to get your car or truck fixed. The search for a reputable collision repair shop is the starting point. Following that, weeding through the misconceptions about the process is just as important. Here’s a closer look at several common myths. 

The Truth About 4 Collision Repair Misconceptions

1. Bent Frames Can’t Be Fully Repaired

After an accident, a bent frame is one of the biggest concerns. The encouraging news is the frame has a strong chance of being restored to its original condition. Newer makes and models are now constructed with unibody frames that are configured to be repaired. An experienced body repair technician will do a thorough inspection to assess the damage.

2. Shops Must Be Approved by the Insurance Company

collision repairYou have the option to go with any collision repair shop you want. After your claim is filed and an adjuster has checked the damages, your insurance company may suggest several shops for repairs. These will likely do the work at a lower cost. However, you have a legal right to take your vehicle to any shop, and the insurance company will still cover the repair costs.

3. Collision Work Isn’t Warrantied

Most reputable body shops proudly stand behind their work. This means they’ll provide some sort of warranty on labor and parts. Seek out facilities that provide warranties just in case you need additional services later. 

4. The Dealership Is the Best Option

When the time comes to repair your vehicle, well-intentioned friends and family may urge you to go to the dealership. The theory is you’ll get original equipment manufacturer (OEM) parts for your collision repairs. The truth is OEM parts can be ordered through many shops. It’s important to check with your insurance company first to find out if they require OEM or aftermarket parts.  


Mach 1 Body Shop in Hinesville, GA, is the premier facility local drivers turn to for top-quality collision repair services. The team of certified technicians brings more than 100 years of experience to the table while using state-of-the-art equipment. If you need assistance with filing an insurance claim, count on the friendly and professional staff to expedite the process. For a free estimate, call (912) 876-5500. Visit the website for details on the full lineup of auto body services. 
