
A swimming pool is a perfect summertime hang out for any household. It adds value to your home while serving as an ideal venue for backyard barbecues and summer parties. However, pools also pose a financial risk for property owners, even those who have homeowners insurance. Check out the information below to make sure your home is fully insured and protected.

What Does Homeowners Insurance Cover?

Traditional homeowners insurance policies protect your house, the items inside, and the surrounding property. To some degree, this includes your pool. If a fire, severe storm, or a falling object damage your pool, your insurance provider will typically assist with the repair cost. Homeowners insurance also protects you from liability should someone be injured on your property. When it comes to swimming pools, liability is the most common risk factor. If a guest is injured while using your pool, you could obtain coverage for medical or legal expenses caused by the incident. Liability protection is a standard part of a typical homeowners policy, but because a pool will increase your liability risk, this form of insurance may not be enough for total protection.

How Can You Increase Liability Coverage?

Adding an extra layer ofhomeowners insurance protection with an umbrella insurance policy is recommended for swimming pool owners. This type of coverage will grant liability coverage above the limits of your regular policy. However, some insurers will bar liability coverage if you don’t have proper safety precautions in place. Provisions such as securing the pool behind a fence and keeping it covered when not in use are ways to ensure your insurance policy provides the needed coverage. You should also speak to your insurance agent about your current coverage and address anything that may leave you susceptible to unforeseen costs. Your insurance agent may suggest that you increase the coverage limits on your homeowners' insurance or purchase a supplemental liability policy. They will help you sort through various options and determine which will best suit your home’s needs.


If you’re unsure of your liability coverage and want to review your homeowners' insurance policy with a knowledgeable insurance agent, contact the professionals at Schommer Insurance in Hastings, MN. They will make sure you have the necessary amount of protection in place and provide personalized customer service for any of your home, auto, business, and life insurance policies. To learn more about their coverage options, visit their website or call (651) 319-0699 for a free insurance quote today.