
Most people understand how critical it is to avoid getting behind the wheel after they’ve consumed alcohol. If not, they’ll need the help of an OWI attorney to avoid significant legal penalties. These repercussions are even more severe when the individual is under the legal drinking age. The following guide offers insight into what happens when an underage individual faces an OWI charge.

How Does Wisconsin Define OWI for Underage Drivers?

In most cases, the law determines whether you are guilty of an OWI based on the level of alcohol in your system. Typically, you need to be under 0.08% for blood alcohol concentration with a breathalyzer test.

However, if you are younger than 21 years old, this limit does not apply to you. Wisconsin operates under a law known as absolute sobriety, which means even a single drop of alcohol detected in your system will require the assistance of an OWI attorney.

What Are the Penalties?

Procure & Misrepresent

If you are under the age of 17 owi attorneyand are found guilty of trying to procure alcohol or misrepresent what it is, you will face anywhere from $250 to $500 in fines, varying based on previous charges, and anywhere from 30 days to multiple years without a license. If you are between the ages of 17 and 20, that fine range increases to $1,000.

Knowingly Possessing or Consuming Alcohol

If an officer and judge determine you knowingly possessed or consumed alcohol, you will face fines between $100 and $1,000, as well as license suspension for up to two years.

Underage Intoxicants in the Vehicle

If an officer finds you transporting intoxicated minors, you face fines ranging from $20 to $400. Additionally, you face possible license suspension for anywhere from 30 days to 2 years.

What Happens if You Refuse a Breathalyzer Test?

Those of the legal age are legally allowed to refuse a breathalyzer test and wait for the assistance of their OWI attorney. However, if you are under the age of 21, you are required to submit to the police officer and take the test. Refusing to take a breathalyzer will result in anywhere from six months to a year without your license.


If you were recently charged with drinking and driving, talk to Scott & Heenan LLC in Platteville, WI. These OWI attorneys have over 50 years of experience helping residents protect their rights and freedom. Visit their website for more information on their practice, and call (608) 348-9506 to schedule an initial consultation today. 
