
Whether your business has problems with flooding or spends far too much on landscape maintenance, rain gardens are an excellent solution. A rain garden consists of native plants and flowers. Its primary function is to hold and absorb rainwater runoff, which is good for the environment, community, and your business. Engineered soils can increase the efficiency of these gardens as well. Here are the key advantages rain gardens can provide for your business.

Why Your Business Should Plant Rain Gardens

1. Removes & Filters Runoff

After it rains, water runs down various surfaces, collecting pollutants like oil and fertilizer along the way. When left untreated, polluted rain water runoff flows into storm drains and ends up in local bodies of water. Rain gardens absorb runoff and filter the pollutants through plants and engineered soil. This removes dangerous runoff, as well as flooding around your business.

2. Decreases Water Usage

Depending on the size of your company property, taking care of landscaping can be costly and use a significant amount of water. Rain gardens efficiently collect and soak in water every time it rains, so you won’t need to water the vegetation nearly as often. You’ll save on water bills and reduce your water waste.

3. Requires Minimal Maintenance

Only native plants are engineered soilused in rain gardens, which means they are naturally better at taking root and soaking in the water and nutrients from the soil. Overall, they require little maintenance and won’t need fertilizing after the first year. Choose local perennials, shrubs, and flowers for your company’s garden.

4. Enhances Curb Appeal

The outside of your business is the first thing clients and employees see before they walk in. Making a good impression sets the tone for your company, and beautiful gardens are sure to impress. A functional garden will boost the curb appeal of your business.

5. Reduces Carbon Footprint

Today, being an eco-friendly enterprise is more important than ever. Companies everywhere are making changes to the way they function in order to reduce their carbon footprint. With efficiently engineered soil, runoff removal, decreased water use, and reintroduction of native vegetation, rain gardens help your business aid in preserving the environment.


Help reduce water contamination in your community with environmentally friendly solutions from WeCare Compost. This company provides businesses and distributors with green planting products, including compost, engineered soils, and roof soil mix. They are committed to assisting you in your efforts to make the world a cleaner place. To learn more about their products and services, call (315) 575-4595.
