
If you’re attending college away from home, utilizing student storage can help you avoid costly trips moving your items back and forth. With many units to choose from, you can select the right student storage for your needs. However, when storing items in your unit, consider the following three reasons why it’s important to check up on your belongings.

Why Check Your Student Storage This Summer

1. Assess the Condition of Items

In the heat of packing and moving your belongings into storage, it can be easy to accidentally place a box or piece of furniture in the wrong spot. Whether you misplaced a box or didn’t store the heavy items on the bottom, checking on your unit ensures nothing has shifted or fallen from its place. If something fell over, you will be able to assess any damage to your belongings and will have plenty of time to replace them before the school year starts.

2. To Reorganize for Your Upcoming Move

student storageAs the new semester approaches, you’ll want to make sure the moving process goes as smoothly as possible. This can be difficult to do if your items aren’t stored in the right spots, making heavier pieces like furniture challenging to reach, let alone move. Visiting your student storage will give you the chance to rearrange the placement of your items, which can help to expedite the packing and moving process at the beginning of your school year.

3. Plan Furniture Placement

Whether you’re moving into a different dorm room or have opted for an apartment, checking on your belongings will help you start planning where you will be putting all your items in your new home. In addition to thinking about where all of your furniture and large pieces will be placed, consider any extra items you may need, such as side tables or new bed linens.



If you’re located near Rochester, NY, or attend a university in the area, trust Student Storage Solutions to keep your belongings safe during the summer. This facility understands how difficult and costly it can be to travel back and forth with your belongings between school years, which is why they offer several different student storage options to ease this challenge. To learn more about their units, visit them online or call (585) 232-3450.
