
Your diet plan shouldn’t mean that you’re stuck cooking for yourself every meal. Enjoying a night out with friends and family can be done if you are proactive about staying on your low-carb plan. Follow the tips below to make healthy adjustments on what you order at your favorite seafood restaurant.

3 Ways to Eat Healthy at a Seafood Restaurant

1. Order the Right Drink seafood restaurant

Many people don’t realize that a lot of the carbohydrates in their diet comes from the beverages they consume. A can of beer, for example, has an average of 13 grams. When you’re dining out, stick to water, coffee, or tea without any sweeteners. The occasional glass of red wine pairs well with fish and can fit into your diet plan. The beverage has heart-healthy benefits and is low in carbohydrates. 

2. Substitute Your Sides

Many sides at restaurants, such as pasta and potatoes, are loaded with carbs and saturated fat. Ask your server which sides come with your entrée, and if you can make substitutions. Swap them for steamed vegetables or a salad. If you know the restaurant brings out a complimentary bread basket before your meal, ask your server to skip it. 

3. Find Breadless Options

Look up the menu before you go to the seafood restaurant to determine the entrées you are interested in. You don’t need to limit yourself to options with no bread, as you can ask your waiter to make modifications. If you are in the mood for a lobster roll, you can ask for the meat without the bread. If there is a salmon dish that is breaded and pan-fried, inquire to see if the restaurant can grill it instead. 


When you’re ready to treat yourself without breaking your diet, Brookside Inn Restaurant is the place to go. This Italian seafood restaurant has been a fixture in the Oxford, CT, community since 1954. Their homemade Italian dishes are made with locally sourced ingredients for the finest taste. Preview their menu online and call them at (203) 888-2272 for additional information. 
