
Getting married is an exciting, life-changing event, and it all begins with the perfect diamond engagement ring. To keep this symbol of love beautiful and mesmerizing for years to come, you need to ensure that it receives the proper care and maintenance. Follow the tips and tricks below to keep your diamond shining bright.

3 Ways to Make Diamond Engagement Rings Sparkle

1. Know the Proper Cleaning Method

For all metal rings, including gold, silver, and platinum, soap and water are the best tools to clean them at home. Fill a small bowl with warm water and dish detergent, and then soak your ring for at least 20 minutes. If it has heavy dirt and grime buildup, you can double the soak time. Afterward, rinse the ring in warm water to remove any soap that might remain. If you need to remove residue from lotion or other cosmetics, you can use a soft-bristled toothbrush to scrape it clean gently. Be careful not to use highly abrasive brushes, as this can scratch the metal and give the diamonds a rougher texture.

2. Clean it Regularly

engagement ringRings can quickly collect oil and dirt from your hands, which can affect the clarity of the diamond over time. Prevent a buildup of everyday grime by cleaning the ring at least once a week. For thorough cleaning, you may consider sending the ring to a jeweler twice a year for professional maintenance. Most rings bought from a jeweler has maintenance plans factored into the cost that cover monthly cleanings for the life of the ring. These diamond experts have access to high-quality products to restore the stone’s brilliant shine without damaging it or its setting. 

3. Know What to Avoid

Bleach may be a reliable cleaner for some clothing items and surfaces throughout your house, but it should never be used to clean an engagement ring. Bleach, as well as acetone and chlorine, is too harsh and can break down the metals in jewelry. You should also stay away from other materials like baking soda and toothpaste. These substances can scratch metal and make your ring look unsightly. If your ring can’t be cleaned at home, reach out to your jeweler to inquire about engagement ring cleaning and maintenance.


Are you looking for the perfect diamond engagement ring? If so, head to Schwartz Jewelers. For more than 73 years, this jeweler has been Cincinnati, OH’s, go-to source for memorable gifts. With a wide selection of gorgeous platinum, gold, and silver jewelry, including gemstone rings, bangles, and watches, they have something to please everyone. Call (513) 514-5627 today to speak with a knowledgeable team member about your needs or visit them online to browse their selections. 
