
It goes without saying that the brakes are one of the most important parts of your car, so it’s important to ensure that they are working well at all times. The auto body repair experts at Basic Auto Collision Team, which has been serving Honolulu, HI, drivers since 1981, offers the following tips when it comes to your brakes:

  • Look: Peek through the spokes or openings in the hub caps on your tires. You'll see your brake pads, which should be at least ¼ inch thick. If they are wearing thinner, you should make an appointment right away with Basic Auto Collision team to see if it’s time to replace them.
  • Listen: Is your car screeching to a halt? The squealing noise could be the indicator warning you that it’s time to replace your brake pads. Pro tip: If it’s after a rainstorm and your brakes are squeaking, it could just be that they are wet. Pump the brakes a few times and the noise will likely cease.
  • Feel: If you are pressing the brakes and they don’t feel responsive, there might be an air or fluid leak in the braking system. You should make an appointment with Basic Auto Collision team right away, especially if you see fluid on the ground beneath your parked car—it could be brake fluid that’s leaking.

Don’t risk a car accident because of faulty brakes. Talk to the auto body experts at Basic Auto Collision Team. You can make an appointment to have by calling (808) 842-3966. You can also visit them online to get your free estimate for auto body repair.
