
Abundant Grass…….Changing Quality


Ranchers have been blessed this year with lots of forage due to good rainfall and moderate temperatures.  Grass has been in a growing, vegetative state since March.  Things have changed now as we hit hot, dry August weather.  Ranchers should consider a protein-energy supplement to offset declining grass quality to keep cattle from losing body condition. 


Grass Quality can be divided into 3 categories: 


Vegetative………..actively growing with lots of leaf  material.  The protein content is high (10-18%) and the forage is highly digestible. 


Transitional……...covers native and improved grasses.  Also, pasture/hay as it matures prior to seed-head formation.  Stem material forms as the grass moves toward seed formation.  (6-9% Protein)


Reproductive……...has very little “green” left and is not growing.  The seed-head is fully developed and the plant is usually dormant until the next green-up.  (<5% Protein)


Poor quality forage passes through the rumen in cattle at a slower rate than good quality forage.  Rumen microbes have a much harder time digesting poor forage versus good forage.  Therefore, the daily consumption of poor forage will be much less than good quality forage.  This compounds the problem that declining forage quality causes.  The following chart shows the daily forage consumption of a 1200# cow based on forage quality.


Vegetative Good 30-35 lbs
Transitional Fair 24-29 lbs
Reproductive Poor 18-23 lbs


Helping the Microbes…….


When we provide a supplemental source of Protein (ammonia), Energy, Vitamins and Mineral to the microbes in the rumen, they multiply in numbers and become more active.  This allows lots more forage to be digested and consequently, the cow can consume more of a lower quality forage.  This keeps the cow from losing weight and enables her to provide more milk for her calf.  It also helps us graze out lower-quality forage.


Recommended Products……….


Accuration Liquid 32-10 is the best product to use to supplement poorer quality forage.  It uses Purina’s Intake Modifying Technology to balance out exactly what the cow needs.  We do the work….we deliver.


Accuration Hi Fat Tub uses the same technology but in a convenient 200# tub.  Use it with smaller herds.


MVP or MLS Cooked Tubs work great also.  Use 1 tub per 15-20 cows for adequate accessibility.  These also come with altosid (IGR) for fly control.


Purina or Red Chain Range Cubes also work to balance out poorer quality forage.  If possible, it’s always best to feed daily or at least every other day. 


Accuration Liquid 12-10 is designed for growing cattle.  Weaned calves on grass perform very well.


2019-2020 Hunting Licenses are available 

beginning August 15th.



CALL AHEAD with your information and we can have your new license ready to go when you come by the store… lines, no waiting!

