
In the summer, your main priority is likely enjoying the weather and finding time to relax. The last thing you want to deal with is an auto accident. Unfortunately, collisions are especially common in the summertime. If you’re hoping to avoid a crash and the need to hire an attorney, take a look at the guide below.

Why Are There More Car Accidents in the Summer?

When the weather gets warmer, families, couples, and friends head out on the road for a summer vacation. This means the roads are more crowded with tourists and travelers, who are less familiar with the area and its traffic laws. They may make sudden turns and forget to put their blinkers on, while area natives might get frustrated and drive aggressively. During the warmer months, travelers and residents alike may also participate in gatherings and activities that include day drinking, raising the risk of collisions caused by alcohol impairment.

Also, many of the people behind the wheel are teenagers and college students who have the summer off from school. Since these individuals are new to driving, they are more likely to cause accidents. In some cases, they are also more susceptible to distracted driving, such as texting or blasting music. 

Finally, construction crews schedule more of their work in the summer because the weather is more conducive to their tasks. The presence of detours, bulky equipment, and stray materials can increase the risk of auto accidents. 

How Can You Avoid a Collision?

attorneyIf you’re hoping to avoid the need for an attorney this season, you’ll have to monitor your habits on the road. Avoid distractions by keeping music low, taking out headphones, and having a passenger handle the GPS. If the weather is unpleasant, drive slowly, and keep at least two to three car lengths between your hood and the rear bumper of the vehicle in front of you. It’s also important to lower your speed, use your turn signals, and stay calm when passing construction sites or other vehicles.


If you do happen to get into an accident, the attorneys at Privette Law Office in Willow Springs, MO, will be happy to defend your rights. They have over 30 years of experience providing unrivaled guidance on estate planning, personal injury, and criminal law cases. For more information on their work, visit their website. You can also call (417) 469-3535 to schedule a free consultation with an attorney for your auto accident case.
