
According to Texas Parks & Wildlife, more than 900 species of spiders reside in this state. While most occupy outdoor environments, several can commonly be found inside homes. As such, homeowners should be able to identify the various types they may come across. Although not all spiders are poisonous, it doesn’t mean you want them invading your living space. Not only do they create messy webs, but often, they also indicate other pest problems. Here are some of the most common types so you can decide if they are worth calling the exterminator for.

What Spiders Might You See Around the House?

1. Cellar

Often referred to as Daddy Long Legs, cellar spiders have a smaller, round body with long, thin legs. Though they have venom, it’s not poisonous to humans and usually only results in a mild burning. They’re well known for building webs up high near the ceiling or light fixtures to catch more insects. 

2. Jumping 

You can identify jumping spiders by their small body size, short legs, and big eyes. Unlike other species, they exhibit jumping behavior and are quick to maneuver around objects. They don’t present any danger to humans and may be found underneath furniture, doors, and windows, in bookshelves, and within the cracks of hardwood floors. However, they can produce 40 eggs at a time, which hatch three weeks after being laid, meaning their numbers can quickly get out of control.

3. Brown Recluse 

exterminatorThis species is easily recognized by a violin-shaped marking located on their abdomen. The brown recluse spider is venomous and can cause severe damage to those they bite. Therefore, don’t wait to call an exterminator if you find one in your home. They prefer to hide in dark, cluttered places like closets, basements, boxes, and shoes during the day and come out at night to hunt for prey.

4. Black Widows 

Black widows are another poisonous spider that have the potential to cause harm. They are black and shiny creatures with a red hourglass design on the abdomen. Generally, this species likes to stay in dark, damp, and secluded areas, such as crawl spaces and basements. The webs they weave lack a distinct pattern and are challenging to take down.


The best way to keep these and other spiders out of your home is to practice proactive pest control. An exterminator from Moore Pest Control can provide you with practical solutions for eliminating current infestations and avoiding future ones. Based in Hughes Springs, TX, they offer more than 30 years of industry experience and use the latest tools and technology to deliver long-lasting results. Call (903) 639-2884 to request an estimate or visit them online to learn more about their exterminator services. 
