
If you struggle with bad breath—halitosis—a strict oral hygiene routine is the surest way to beat it. A few tips, in particular, can make a significant difference or may completely solve the problem. If all else fails, make an appointment with your dentist to discuss your concerns.

How to Prevent Halitosis

1. Brush & Floss Twice a Day

Twice a day, brush and floss your teeth for two to three minutes, and scrape your tongue as well. Incorporating all three of these dental care actions into your oral hygiene routine rids your mouth of food resident and bacteria that cause bad breath. Schedule one brushing right before bed, and mix baking soda with your toothpaste for additional cleaning power.

2. Don’t Use Tobacco

Smoking and tobacco is damaging to your teeth and gums, not just your lungs, and lead to tooth decay and periodontitis. Both of these conditions are known to cause foul breath. Tobacco also has an unpleasant, stale smell that tends to linger. Make an effort to give up smoking.

3. Rinse Your Mouth

oral hygieneMouthwash can temporarily conceal bad breath. Although not a permanent solution, it kills offending bacteria if you choose an antimicrobial product. Swallowing a few drops of a minty oil can mask bad breath, and drinking a cup of green or black tea fights the bacteria responsible for halitosis.

4. Stay Hydrated

Not only does drinking water promote overall health, but it washes food remnants down your throat so that they don’t decay in your mouth. Water also combats dry mouth, which makes your breath smell fetid. Chew sugarless gum or suck on sugarless hard candy to keep your mouth moist and produce more saliva.

5. Eat Well

No oral hygiene routine is complete without a healthy diet. Eat a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables but avoid eating onions or garlic. Their strong odors will undercut any actions you take to keep your breath fresh.


For advice about good oral hygiene and halitosis prevention, contact Mark Adler DDS of Northfield, OH. This full-service dental practice treats patients of all ages with innovative treatments that keep smiles shiny and healthy. To learn more about their services, call (330) 468-3511, or spend some time browsing their website.
