
Yellowed teeth can do a number on your self-confidence. They happen from dental care and dietary habits, and may become worse over time. Luckily, there are many ways you can restore the color of your smile. To help you achieve the pearly whites you’ve always wanted, here are a few ways to improve the appearance of stained teeth.

Dental Care Tips to Whiten Yellow Teeth

1. Brush & Floss

Brushing and flossing are the foundations of dental care and essential for whitening teeth. You should do each at least twice a day— particularly after consuming coffee, tea, wine, and other stain-causing foods and beverages. Brushing will remove particles that cause surface stains. You can also try brushing with baking soda and hydrogen peroxide for further benefits at home.

2. Switch Your Diet

dental careIf you regularly eat certain foods, you may continue staining your teeth despite brushing and flossing. Rather than eating berries, curry and tomato sauces, or sugary snacks, try apples and dark leafy greens. These naturally “scrub” stains from your teeth as you eat them and help prevent decay. They’re also loaded with nutrients that fortify enamel and promote healthy gums. Try chewing sugar-free gum as well to stimulate saliva production and wash your teeth naturally.

3. Schedule Teeth Whitening

Deeper stains require professional treatment, so schedule teeth whitening with your dentist. This cosmetic dentistry solution provides fast results and will resolve even the deepest of stains. Avoid at-home treatments, which contain harsh chemicals and may create uneven results.


If you want to try teeth whitening, visit Four Corners Dental Group. With offices in Anchorage and Wasilla, AK, this practice uses state-of-the-art equipment to achieve lasting results. Their family dentistry team takes every measure to keep you comfortable as they help with dental care. Their emergency dentist also ensures you always have the assistance you need. Learn more about what they do online or call (907) 258-3384 to reach Anchorage and (907) 376-2790 for an appointment in Wasilla.
