
Going out for lunch is a great way to spend time with colleagues or friends or have some leisurely time on your own. However, you may worry that eating out will ruin your plans to eat healthier. By following these simple tips, you can continue to enjoy restaurant fare and keep your eating habits on track.

How to Eat Healthy When Out for Lunch

1. Choose Entree-Sized Salads

Salad isn’t just a side dish or starter before dinner. Many lunch places feature entree-sized salads such as Caesar, Asian, or Southwest style options that come with a variety of veggies and protein choices. The key to choosing healthy salads is to avoid too much dressing and excess cheese. Most chefs will accommodate special requests, such as a simple olive oil dressing instead of creamy varieties or no cheese. 

2. Celebrate Pure Flavors

Many lunch dishes, such as grilled fish or chicken, can be just as tasty without accompanying heavy sauces. Again, don’t be afraid to ask for a plainer version of what’s on the menu. Sauces, while delicious, are usually filled with added fat and salt and aren’t necessary to enjoy the pure flavor of quality ingredients.

3. Go Veggie

lunchChoosing vegetarian options for lunch once or twice a week can be a good way to keep calories down and explore new vegetable dishes. Beyond salad, consider stir-fries, veggie-based pasta, or a lunch quiche packed with broccoli and peppers. As with other entrees, skip heavy sauces and ask for vegetables to be sauteed in a hearty and healthy oil, such as olive or avocado oil.

4. Choose Fish

If you have an option to choose a dish with salmon or tuna, try these delicious, omega-3 and protein-packed choices. The nutrients in fatty, cold-water fishes are good for heart and brain health and are perfect with rice, veggies, and potatoes. 

5. Skip the Fries

French fries, onion rings, tater tots, and other fried lunch accompaniments can pack on the calories and unhealthy fats. Choose a side salad or cup of soup instead of fried food, or opt to have your burger or sandwich a la carte. Most people tend to eat beyond when they are full, especially if crisp, salty fries are easily within reach on the plate. 


Eating healthy when out for lunch is simple and delicious if you follow the tips above. Beffa's in St. Louis, MO, has options for lunch and happy hour and offers live music on Saturdays. This family-owned, 113-year-old St. Louis tradition serves up delicious American pub food in a casual environment. Call (314) 698-7669 to speak with a representative, or visit them online to learn about their history.
