
The roof protects your home and belongings from the elements. Unfortunately, even a minor leak can cause extensive damage if you fail to get prompt roof repairs. If you suspect you have a leak and need extra incentive to seek assistance, understanding some of these related problems may convince you. To help you keep your possessions and family safe, here are a few problems leaky roofs bring.

Problems Related to Roof Leaks

1. Fire Hazards

When you’re dealing with water dripping into your house, fire may be your last concern. However, moisture may come into contact with electrical wiring, potentially putting your home at risk. Until the roof repairs are completed, turn off the circuits in the affected area and have an electrician ensure your wiring is safe.

2. Mold & Mildew

roof repairAny dark area of the home that’s been exposed to moisture provides the ideal breeding ground for mold. While you might spot visible patches growing on the walls and ceilings, infestations inside insulation or an attic may go unnoticed. Many types of mold can cause respiratory issues and skin irritation in those with allergies, as well as asthma attacks in family members with breathing problems.

3. Higher Utility Bills

Water saturation makes insulation less effective, so you might see your utility bills spike even after a roof repair. Unfortunately, water damage to fiberglass materials may be permanent, so you might need to replace it to restore the energy efficiency of your home.


If your roof has sprung a leak, the professionals at Aace Home Improvements LLC have the experience and high-quality materials to keep water out and prevent future damage. Their highly trained technicians provide an extensive range of services to homeowners throughout Danbury, CT, and the immediate surrounding areas. Whether you need a replacement for your metal unit or a roof repair, they’ll be happy to assist. Learn more about what they do online or call (203) 948-5020 to schedule an appointment. 
