
Those potholes in your parking lot are more than just an eyesore. It is in your best interest to have them repaired as soon as you notice them. The relatively small investment of hiring an asphalt contractor to fill them will pay off as you avoid the dangers of leaving potholes alone.

The Dangers of Potholes in Parking Lots

1. Vehicle Damage

Even a small pothole can wreak a lot of havoc on a vehicle. Driving over one may destroy tires, damage the suspension system, and cause alignment issues. If a driver in one of your parking lots has damage to their car from driving over a pothole, they may be able to hold you accountable for the damages.

2. Injuries

parking lotPotholes are dangerous for drivers and pedestrians alike. If they trip over one or a driver swerves around one and hits a pedestrian, serious injuries could occur. A pedestrian might sprain an ankle or fall and break their arm. It is possible they could fall and hit their head, a more severe injury. Because you are responsible for maintaining your parking lot, you could be liable for any injuries that result from the pothole.

3. High Cost

Potholes only get worse with time. The larger and deeper it is, the more it will cost to repair. Leaving the hole alone could allow water to seep through the opening into the underlying layer, eroding the entire internal structure. Repairing those potholes while they’re small is a fraction of the cost of repaving your entire lot.


An experienced paving contractor can keep your lot in great condition over the years. Tates Creek Paving is the trusted contractor for parking lots, driveways, and private roads in Lexington, KY. For more than 35 years, they have offered high-quality finishes at reasonable rates. They are fully licensed and insured for your protection, no matter the size of your project. See their full list of services online and call (859) 255-2501 to get a free estimate.
