
When it comes to staying healthy, being in control of your blood pressure is one of the biggest goals you can have. Doctors warn that without proper care, high blood pressure can lead to strokes, blood clots, and possibly even dementia. If you’re looking for ways to improve your lifestyle, the guide below offers some effective tips to help you get started. 

5 Doctor-Approved Lifestyle Changes to Improve Blood Pressure

1. Lower Your Sodium Intake

When you consume too much sodium, the kidneys have a harder time removing water from the body. This increased water retention raises your blood pressure, putting an added strain on your system. Try to limit your sodium intake to no more than 1,500 mg per day, substituting salt with other flavorful spices to make your dishes tastier and healthier. 

2. Consume More Potassium-Rich Foods

Potassium counteracts the harmful effects of sodium, making it easier for the kidneys to filter out negative substances and maintain balance in the body. To increase your intake of this key nutrient, add more bananas, potatoes, spinach, avocados, and leafy greens to your diet. Pistachios and other nuts are also packed with this important element.

3. Decrease Stress Levels

doctorStress increases the hormone levels in the body. When this occurs, your blood pressure rises. If you find yourself feeling anxious, nervous, or burned out, try taking up meditation or relaxing exercises like yoga. If you feel you need professional help, talk to your doctor about anti-anxiety medications. 

4. Eat Dark Chocolate

If you have a sweet tooth, you’re in luck. It’s been shown that consuming dark chocolate that contains at least 70% cacao helps to lower blood pressure over time, creating a healthy dessert routine you don’t have to feel guilty about.

5. Stay Active

Exercise improves heart health, making it easier for your system to keep blood pressure low. Talk to your doctor about what kinds of exercises they recommend for your current health. They’ll likely suggest activities that don’t put a strain on the body, such as walking, yoga, swimming, or light weight training. 


If you need help managing your blood pressure, get in touch with the medical professionals at Walton Family Medicine PC. Located in Monroe, GA, these doctors offer a broad range of services, including urgent and pediatric care, to ensure all their patients maintain optimum health. Visit their website for more information on their services and call (770) 267-7093 to schedule an appointment today. 
