
Freezing seafood is a convenient way to extend its lifespan when you’ve purchased more than you can use right away. But to preserve the texture and quality of fish varieties like smoked halibut or salmon, you need to take specific steps during the thawing process. Discover safe, effective strategies for thawing fish without compromising its flavor below.

Why Is Proper Thawing So Important?

Thawing fish properly is essential for both safety and quality. If fish is introduced to temperatures that are too warm after being frozen, it can allow harmful microbes like Listeria to develop. You should also remove fish from any vacuum-sealed packaging since the low-oxygen environment can breed botulism when exposed to temperatures above 38° F.

In terms of quality, proper thawing helps preserve the fish’s original texture and taste. Trying to thaw fish too quickly can cause the filet to lose its flavor, become rubbery, or at worst, spoil completely.

How Should Fish Be Thawed?

smoked halibutLike any type of meat or seafood, fish varieties like smoked halibut, salmon, and other filets are thawed most effectively when given plenty of time. Defrost a frozen fish by placing it in the refrigerator for 24 hours. During this time, you can prepare sides in advance, choose your recipe, or even make a marinade.

If you don’t have that much time, you can expedite the process using cold water. Keeping the filet in its sealed bag, place the fish in the sink and immerse it in cold water. Never allow frozen meat or seafood to thaw at room temperature, which can introduce harmful pathogens. Microwaving fish varieties like smoked halibut or salmon is also not recommended because it can change the texture of the seafood.


Whether you plan on freezing it or enjoying it right away, any time you’re seeking high-quality seafood, turn to Alaska Sausage and Seafood. The family-owned company based in Anchorage supplies U.S. customers with quality meats and seafood, including Alaskan smoked salmon and smoked halibut. Browse through their selection of gourmet gift packages online, or call (907) 562-3636 with any questions about their products.
