
A car’s suspension system absorbs the shock from the tires as they drive over bumps and imperfections in the pavement. This allows the frame and body to remain mostly undisturbed as you drive. However, when any part of this equipment gets damaged, the vehicle's ride and handling will grow increasingly difficult, requiring a visit to an auto repair shop. To help you care for your car, here’s a guide to how suspensions get damaged and how to tell when you have a problem.

What Can Harm Your Suspension?

auto repairA suspension system consists of several individual parts. These components can get damaged by factors ranging from everyday wear to driving habits. For instance, you can cause unnecessary stress by regularly braking hard, driving fast over speed bumps, adding too much extra weight inside the cabin, and off-road driving. Suspension misalignment— which can be caused by getting in an accident, hitting a curb, or driving over a pothole— can also affect how the system works.

How to Tell if You Have a Suspension Problem?

Steering Difficulties

The suspension is made of several springs that connect the frame and the wheels. When a spring is damaged or collapsed, making turns becomes difficult. Front-end strut damage or a worn control arm can also result in steering and alignment problems. Since steering issues may compromise the way you avoid obstacles and make turns, head to an auto repair shop for repairs to prevent an accident.

Bumpy Ride

Under normal circumstances, the suspension shocks absorb bounce from the tires as you drive over bumps on the road. When these parts are damaged, their filtering process is hindered, and you'll likely notice more discomfort inside the cabin. A collapsed spring can also create a bumpy ride.

A "Pulling" Sensation When Turning

The shocks, anti-roll bar, and control arms all help your vehicle keep its four tires on the ground when making turns. If any of these components become damaged, you'll likely notice you move more than you used to when rounding corners or curves. This wear increases your risk of a rollover, so if you notice changes, pay a visit to an auto repair professional.

When you need suspension or other car repairs, visit the professionals at Craig's Towing & Repair in La Crosse, WI. Their experienced mechanics provide diagnostic and auto repair services for a wide variety of vehicles. Visit them for anything from routine oil changes and brake repair to transmission and engine replacement. They also have locations in Lake Delton, Wisconsin Dells, and Baraboo. Learn more about their repair services online or call (608) 784-1638 to schedule an appointment. 
