
Mood changes are a part of everyday life; we all experience good and bad days. Some people may experience frequent, intense swings as part of a health condition called bipolar disorder. If you’re concerned about your moods or they have started to interfere with your relationships, keep reading to learn more about the differences between the two.

Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder, also known as manic-depressive illness, is a mental health condition that can potentially disrupt your life, career, and relationships without support. It’s categorized by frequent, intense, long-lasting, and difficult-to-control mood swings that go between manic (“high”) and depressive (“low”) phases. Symptoms of manic phases include hyperactivity, a reduced need for sleep, speech disruptions or unusual talkativeness, and impaired judgment. The depressive phase includes symptoms like suicidal thoughts, intense irritability, insomnia or sleeping too much, decreased concentration, and trouble completing daily activities such as cooking or cleaning. Manic and depressive phases can shift quickly or last for extended periods.

Mood Swingsbipolar disorder

It’s common for our mood to shift as we navigate the day and interact with different people and events. Natural mood swings are infrequent, short, and in response to a trigger such as a traumatic event, seasonal changes, a bad day, or even an insensitive comment. In some cases—especially after a traumatic event—you may experience a lack of interest in activities, but this will fade without significant disruptions to your education, career, or relationships.


If you or a loved one is concerned about bipolar disorder, consult the team at Comprehensive Behavioral Health in Staunton, VA. Their caring doctors and psychiatrists are trained and licensed in providing care for a range of mental health issues for people with anxiety, depression, and eating disorders. Call (540) 688-2646 to speak with a member of their team or visit their website to learn more about their services, and they will get back to you.
