
Staying active is a crucial part of senior care, but it’s not always easy to be active if you have mobility limitations. If your loved one is in a wheelchair, there are plenty of activities to keep an aging parent or grandparent mentally and physically engaged. They’re also a rewarding opportunity for you to spend time together.

Activities for Seniors in Wheelchairs

1. Explore the Arts

Writing, reading, painting, making music, and other artistic activities can be done anywhere. Because they rarely require mobility, they’re a perfect activity for seniors in wheelchairs. Join a painting class, or spend time writing short stories at a senior care facility. Encourage them to learn a musical instrument. The arts challenge the mind, providing an outlet for expression that alleviates stress and fosters a sense of purpose.

2. Play Games

senior careStimulating the mind is an essential part of senior care, so play plenty of games. Challenge your loved one to chess, jigsaw puzzles, or favorite board games. Games, which can be played almost anywhere, hone problem-solving and critical-thinking skills. If your loved one is a game master, ask them to teach you how to play, and invite family members to participate in a weekly game night.

3. Enjoy the Outdoors

The outdoors can refresh the soul and raise spirits. Just because a favorite senior is in a wheelchair doesn’t mean they have to stay indoors. Go for a stroll through a local park, or stop by a pond and fish. Take them to a child’s soccer match, or enjoy a relaxing afternoon grilling in the backyard.


If your loved one is facing mobility challenges after an injury or surgery, WyndRidge Health & Rehabilitation Center offers the physical therapy solutions to help them recover. Based in Crossville, TN, these licensed therapists specialize in senior care and can host up to 157 residents at their rehabilitation center. They offer a wide range of senior services, including pain management and lifestyle guidance, which you can learn more about on their website. Connect on Facebook for more health tips, or call (931) 707-5687 to speak with a representative.
