
If you love the idea of nurturing a few houseplants but worry that they won’t thrive in your dim apartment, you don’t need to rule out the idea just yet. By investing in a few plants that perform well in low-light conditions, you can enjoy a beautiful indoor garden that will bring life to your living space.

Which Houseplants Perform Well in Low Light?

1. Lucky Bamboo

Lucky bamboo is a household favorite largely for its superstitious roots. The plant is rumored to bring good luck and great fortune to your home, and it also adds significant beauty to the space thanks to its unique, shapely silhouette. But its greatest advantage is its adaptability: It grows sufficiently in both soil and water, and it can handle low light very well. It’s also available in many sizes, so you can decorate anything from a corner of your living room or a desk in your office.

2. Devil’s Ivy

plantAlso known as pothos, devil’s ivy is an indoor plant legend that is known for essentially refusing to die. It’s ideal for novice gardeners and requires minimal maintenance to retain its vibrant appearance, though you should water it when the leaves show signs of wilting and prune errant or discolored leaves from time to time. Whether you keep it in indirect light or no light at all, you can expect your plant to survive for years.

3. Snake Plant

The lean, hardy snake plant can handle almost any type of problematic situation and still come out the winner. It requires little light to survive, and can even put up with periods of drought without showing signs of damage. They’re also very easy to propagate if you want to create an indoor garden—simply plant a few leaves in about an inch of soil. Bear in mind, however, that snake plants may be toxic to dogs and cats. If you’re a pet owner, it’s best to stick with another option.


Fill your low-light apartment with a bevy of beautiful plants from Colonial Gardens in Fairfield, CT. They offer more than 30 years of experience creating exquisite floral arrangements, and they also carry garden supplies and anything else you may need to produce a beautiful indoor setup. Visit them online to browse their selection, or call (203) 259-2722 to learn more.
