
Though it may be hard to believe, the summer season is over, and it is time for kids to return to school. If your child has a sensory processing disorder, this time may feel a bit overwhelming. Luckily, there are a few simple ways to facilitate this transition and make the first few weeks back easier to manage. To help your child stay comfortable at school, here are some steps you can take as a parent.

How to Make Back-to-School Easier for Children With Sensory Processing Disorders

1. Talk to Their Teachers

The best way to ensure your child will have a smooth transition is to coordinate with the staff ahead of time. Ask the school to arrange an appointment with your child’s teacher so you can go over specific sensory needs and discuss any arrangements that can be made to help your child succeed during the school day. For example, you could discuss the warning signs that your child is having a hard time with classroom assignments so the teacher can provide helpful support or modifications to foster success. 

2. Put Together a Sensory Kit

Compile a kit that contains sensory strategies for your child to use in the classroom. A kit may include headphones/earbuds to wear in case a room is too loud, gum or fidgets to help stay focused, or sunglasses to wear if a room is too bright. These items will keep your child comfortable and give them the tools needed to process sensory information in the environment. Sensory tools are helpful to increase attention, participation, and calmness. Make sure this kit is child-specific and teacher-approved.

3. Select Comfortable Clothing

For a child with a sensory processing disorder, it can be difficult to focus if an outfit is distracting or uncomfortable. Anything with prominent tags or itchy materials may make it harder to get through the day. When you go back-to-school shopping or help dress your child for the day, opt for clothing that is soft and simple. Cut the tags off any items before you put them in your child’s closet, and have your child try possible school clothes to make sure they feel good before he wears them to school.

All for Kids Pediatric Therapy Clinic in Anchorage, AK, helps children with sensory processing and developmental disorders. They offer pediatric occupational therapy to assist with sensory processing and self-regulation and provide strategies and adaptations to increase children’s independence and success. Find an overview of their occupational therapy services online or call (907) 345-0050 to schedule an evaluation.
