
It’s essential for children to have regular eye exams. In fact, experts advise parents to schedule their child’s first eye exam between the ages of six months to a year. However, as school starts up, it’s sometimes not as big of a priority as regular wellness checkups. Here’s an overview of why it’s necessary to assess your child’s vision every year.

Why Children’s Eye Exams Are Important

Adults aren’t the only ones who are susceptible to vision problems. Children, too, can develop vision disorders that may negatively impact their learning. Many of these vision problems don’t show obvious symptoms in the beginning stages, so it’s critical to have an eye doctor assess your child’s vision through an exam.

During an eye exam, an optometrist will check to see if your child’s vision development is normal and whether there are any vision problems present. Eye issues like farsightedness and astigmatism can lead to eye strain, blurred vision, and headaches, which may make it more difficult to concentrate in school. If these issues are caught early, they will be easier to treat.

How to Prepare Your Child for an Eye Exam

eye examsAs long as there aren’t any preexisting vision issues, children’s eye exams are pretty straightforward. After the eye doctor inquires about your child’s overall health, they may perform several eye tests, like the eye movement test. During this exam, the doctor will move a finger in different directions to see how your child’s eyes follow it.

It’s a good idea to discuss the examination with your child beforehand. Explain that the eye doctor will check their eyes and ask them to identify shapes or pictures. Reassure your child that they won’t feel any pain during the exam. Let your child bring a favorite toy to the appointment and stay in the room with them. If the exam is scheduled at a time when your child is typically hungry, bring some snacks.


Now that school is about to start, it’s the perfect time to get your child fitted for a new pair of eyeglasses. Eric G. Stocker, OD has provided eye care services, including eye exams and eyeglass fittings, to the Amherst, OH, community for almost 30 years. He has a mission to improve his clients’ vision and eye comfort and is open two Saturdays out of the month in addition to his normal weekly hours. For more information about his services, call (440) 988-4419 or visit his website.
