
Filing for divorce can be an unsettling experience. In addition to rehashing the emotional events that led to the end of your relationship, you will also be concerned about your financial future and how the courts will deal with child custody issues. Even with the right attorney at your side, confronting these concerns can seem overwhelming. Fortunately, there are some methods you can follow to make the process go easier and a little faster.

4 Things You Can Do to Make Your Divorce Less Painful

1. Hire the Right Attorney

Every lawyer is different in terms of how they approach a divorce. While some concentrate solely on the adversarial nature of an official divorce hearing, others are more open to alternatives. In hiring a lawyer who encourages the prospect of mediation, you may be able to avoid divorce court altogether. If you and your spouse are able to compromise and come together civilly, this can spare you the anguish and financial expenses of an official proceeding.

2. Know What You Want out of the Divorce

You might not get everything you want, and neither will your spouse. Bearing this in mind, decide ahead of time what’s most important to you. If you’re concerned that your spouse will try to obtain a family heirloom that’s especially important to you, give up something of equal or greater value. These types of trade-offs will help you each come out of the divorce on equal footing, but without forcing you to give up your most treasured assets. In some cases, your attorney can help you make fair compromises that will help you get what you want.

3. Avoid Personal Fights 

AttorneyIt’s easy to let a divorce proceeding or mediation become an emotional tug of war, but that is not the most productive action. In addition to complicating the issues being addressed, getting into a personal fight is only going to leave you both feeling embittered and upset. For your own self-interest, let your divorce lawyer do the talking. When you do address someone in court or in mediation, try to keep your statements rational and non-accusatory.

4. Find an Emotional Release

When you discuss your divorce with your family law attorney or deal with your spouse in court, you might find yourself bottling up negative emotions. If you don’t find a way to release those emotions, you may end up blowing up at your spouse or in court, which could work against you. Instead, share those thoughts and feelings with a parent, friend, or other loved one. Alternatively, join a support group where you can talk openly about your feelings. You may be surprised to find out how productive it can be to vent your frustrations to a sympathetic ear.


Payne Law Office handles family law issues for clients throughout Lincoln, NE. Their sympathetic and experienced attorneys can help you understand how the law will affect the division of assets, child custody, and support issues that may be involved in your divorce. Each attorney at the firm is also skilled in handling various types of mediation, so you can discuss this option with them. You can set up a free consultation by calling (402) 477-7246.
