
As a homeowner, you’ll need to juggle a variety of responsibilities to ensure the household is running as it should. One of the most important tasks is making sure the septic system is working properly and is regularly maintained. Failing to take care of these important septic services can lead to system failure, which will cause slow drainage and backed-up sewage. Here’s a quick guide if you aren’t sure whether or not your system needs to be looked at.

Why Your House Needs Septic Services

1. Physical Damage

Parking your car or heavy machinery on top of the tank could cause it to crack under the added pressure. Additionally, growing tree roots from your yard’s landscaping can penetrate the pipes, causing leaks.

2. Negligent Maintenance

septic serviceSchedule regular septic services like drain cleanings and pumping, to keep the system running efficiently. The frequency will depend on your tank’s size and number of occupants in the house. Additionally, you should have a professional perform an inspection at least once every three years to diagnose potential problems and provide solutions to help you avoid costly repairs.

3. Improper Use

Don’t use your septic tank as a garbage can. Never put cotton items, like feminine products or diapers, down the drain as they can cause blockages. Other clogging items include food products, such as coffee grinds and residual cooking oil as it’ll coagulate in the pipes. Avoid flushing toxic chemicals, like cleaners, down the drain because they can erode the pipes and cause a bacterial imbalance within the tank.


If your home is overdue for an inspection, contact the skilled team at J&M Cesspool and Septic Pumping Services in Kaneohe, HI. For over 15 years, these professionals have provided Oahu residents with reliable tank cleaning and pumping. Call (808) 753-1411 to request a septic service estimate, or read the latest customer reviews on Yelp.