
If you approach a dog without knowing how to, you are putting yourself at risk for an unfriendly interaction and maybe even a bite. Stray dogs often have their defenses up and may not be friendly to strangers. Similarly, other people’s dogs may see you as a threat and will want to get to know you before being pet. If you interact with other people’s dogs regularly, follow these tips from the dog bite attorneys at Cada Cada & Jewson to properly introduce yourself.

How Do I Approach an Unfamiliar Dog?

If you are entering someone else’s home, come in calmly and don’t immediately make eye contact with the dog. Instead, greet everyone else and give the animal time to calm down. If it’s barking and jumping on you, try to ignore it. If you push your hands down, it signals to them that you want to play. Sudden movements can also raise their excitement level.

When it’s time to interact with the dog, avoid approaching it from the front. Instead, go from the side or at their eye level. Put your hand out for them to sniff before petting them and then slowly pet them on the back or side. If you notice the dog’s ears are stiff or laid back flat, leave them alone; they may not be comfortable with you yet.

What Do I Do if the Dog Is Aggressive?

dog bite attorneyIf you encounter a stray or injured canine, they will likely be more fearful than most dogs. This can also make them more aggressive. If the dog comes toward you, don’t run away—instead, stand still and let it sniff you. Then, stay calm and don’t look the dog in the eyes. If the canine starts barking at you, they could be telling you to stay away. In this case, slowly back away without looking at them in the eye.

What Do I Do If I’m Bitten?

If a dog ends up biting you, wash and wrap the wound. As soon as you can, go to the doctor to check for tetanus and rabies. If necessary, take pictures of the wounds while they are still new to help a dog bite attorney build your case. It is also important to avoid making any statements to your insurance company until you speak with a lawyer about the situation. 


Were you recently bitten by a dog? The skilled personal injury lawyers at Cada Cada & Jewson in Lincoln, NE, will help you receive the best outcome for your case. Other areas of practice include wills and estate planning and business law. To speak with a dog bite attorney, call (402) 477-2233. Visit their website for more information about their practice areas.
