
The penalties for drinking and driving can be severe. Not only could a conviction result; doing so also puts you at risk of harming yourself or others. While an attorney can help you with the consequences of a DUI (driving under the influence) charge, you can avoid this situation altogether by following a few simple tips. 

3 Ways to Avoid DUI Charges

1. Use a Ridesharing Service 

Ridesharing services like Uber® and Lyft® have made affordable transportation incredibly accessible. Rather than fight a DUI charge with an attorney’s help, leave room in your budget for a ride home at the end of the night so you won’t be tempted to get behind the wheel yourself. 

2. Be the Designated Driver 

attorneyIf you often go out with the same group of friends, why not rotate driving responsibilities? Offer to be the designated driver for this event if someone else will do so for the next one. Not only will this save everyone a little money; it will also ensure your whole crew gets home safely. 

3. Cut Yourself Off 

It’s especially easy to drink a lot at longer events. If you’re there for six hours, for example, four drinks may not seem like all that many. However, it’s far too many if you plan to drive afterward. It’s a common misconception that the average person can metabolize one alcoholic beverage an hour. In reality, dozens of factors can influence how quickly your body processes alcohol. As such, it’s advisable to avoid driving after having more than one drink. 



If you find yourself on the wrong side of the law despite your best efforts, turn to Gilbert P. Kaback Attorney at Law. This seasoned criminal defense lawyer has been representing clients throughout Colchester, CT, for the past 22 years. An experienced attorney who practices in a variety of areas, he fights tirelessly on behalf of his clients to help them secure the most favorable outcomes possible. To request a consultation and start building your defense with this knowledgeable attorney, call (860) 537-0874. Learn more about his services on his website
