
Auto insurance laws vary from state to state, not only regulating how much coverage drivers need to carry, but also how claims are paid out in the event of an accident. Financial responsibility for a collision is largely based on whether it occurs in an at-fault or no-fault state. When buying coverage, it’s important to talk to your insurance agent about the difference and how you could be affected if involved in a crash that causes injuries and/or property damage.

What’s the Difference?

In at-fault states, liability is assigned to every car accident that takes place. This determines who will pay for the damages incurred as a result. The party who is not deemed to be at fault may seek compensation for their losses by filing a claim with the other driver’s insurance company or filing a lawsuit directly against them.

Iinsurance agentn contrast, no-fault states require drivers to get compensation from their own insurers regardless of who caused the collision. A lawsuit can only be filed against the at-fault driver if the victim can prove they’ve experienced severe impairment of bodily function due to the incident. 

What Is Ohio’s Law?

Ohio law follows the at-fault system, so it’s crucial to consult your auto insurance agent and make sure you meet the state’s minimum coverage requirements. Drivers have the option to purchase a bond, post collateral, or buy liability insurance equaling $25,000 for bodily injury or death per person, $50,000 for bodily injury or death per accident, and $25,000 for property damage.

It’s likely your insurance agent will suggest you buy more than the minimum and add other types of coverage to your policy to ensure you’re adequately protected should you cause a collision. Ohio also follows comparative negligence rules, which means the damages you recover for an accident may be reduced if you’re found partially at fault or denied if your percentage of fault exceeds 50%.


If you have questions about at-fault insurance laws, contact Lighthouse Agency. Their team of knowledgeable insurance agents can provide you with answers and help you find reliable coverage to minimize your financial risk. Since 1966, the Fairfield, OH-based agency has proudly offered clients across the state a broad range of cost-effective product options from a variety of reputable brands. Call (513) 860-9100 to request a quote, or visit them online for more information on their services.
