
Moving to a new town can be especially difficult for young children. They have to leave their friends and attend a new child care preschool where they don’t know anyone. However, as a parent, you can make the moving process a little less stressful for your child.

3 Tips to Help Your Child Get Ready to Move

1. Emphasize the Positives of Moving

When you first announce the move to your child, they may only think about the negatives. It’s up to you to talk about all the positive aspects of moving to a new place. For example, you could mention the park that is near your new home or how much bigger your child’s new room will be. If they recognize the positive aspects of moving, they may get excited about it.

2. Acknowledge Their Feelings

child care preschoolIt’s perfectly normal for your child to be nervous and upset about moving. As a parent, it’s important to recognize their feelings and encourage them to talk to you. Tell your child that you understand that they feel sad about moving away from their friends and anxious about going to a new child care preschool and meeting new people. The more your little one expresses their feelings about the move, the better they will feel.

3. Visit the New Town

Take your child to the town you will be moving to and show them around. Let them see the new home you’ll be living in and drive by their new child care preschool. If possible, go inside and introduce them to their new teacher. If they know what to expect from the new town, some of their fears may go away.



If you’re looking for a child care preschool in Brookline, MA, turn to the professionals at Tiny World Child Care Inc. The day care center provides a nurturing, structured, and bilingual classroom environment for infants and young children, and encourage education with play and a wide range of different activities. They appreciate diversity and think of themselves as a second family for children. For more information about their child care services, visit their website or call (617)-232-0115.
