
When home inspectors make their rounds inside a residence, they examine everything from the roofing to the plumbing. However, one aspect of a property they pay particular attention to is the electrical system, as problems with it can jeopardize the safety of everyone inside. The guide below discusses some of the warning signs they are looking for.

Notable Electrical Issues

1. Damaged or Dangerous Outlets

As a society, Americans spend a large portion of their day plugged in—most of us use a computer and smartphone every day, with about half also utilizing a tablet. To stay connected to our family, friends, and the latest news, we rely heavily on electrical outlets. However, if yours is loose or the cover has broken off, it could be in danger of shorting out or shocking the user. More seriously, any scorching—whether it is the result of an old outlet, problems with the electrical current, or corrosion—means the risk of electrocution is high. Therefore, home inspectors will tell the property owners to find out the underlying issue, make sure it is fixed, and then replace the outlets.

2. Damaged Electrical Panels

home inspectorsThe electrical panel, also called the circuit box, is another one of the system’s most well-known components. Sometimes, when the power goes out, homeowners will have to go down to the basement to reset it before power can be restored. However, if a system is tripping repeatedly or making a humming noise, it’s a dangerous sign that could speak to miswiring or overload. 

3. Improper Grounding

Electricity travels along the path of least resistance. In the modern day, inventors have developed “grounding” technology, which encourages excess power to go harmlessly downward instead of overloading appliances or shocking the people trying to use their outlets. However, the grounding rods, connection clamps, or wires may be damaged—or old homes may not have had these security measures installed in the first place. Therefore, home inspectors always check for them and report if they are missing or in inadequate shape.


Looking to purchase a house? Twin City Home Inspections Inc. in Texarkana, TX, is both buyers’ and seller’s choice for property examinations. These licensed and insured home inspectors provide reliable service to Texas and parts of Arkansas, offering same-day reports so you’ll learn of any problems with the electrical system as soon as possible. Call these professionals with over a decade of experience at (903) 276-9566 to get started. Visit their website for more insight on their offerings.
