
The solid waste, or sludge, that sinks to the bottom of your septic tank builds up without routine pumping, causing cracks, leaks, and plumbing backups, among other problems. Pumping every two to five years is usually sufficient for dispelling it, depending on the size of your household and weekly water consumption. One of the purported benefits of septic additives, which also claim to break down sludge and control odor, is less frequent pumping. Here’s why, however, you should never flush additives through your septic system.

What Are the Benefits of Septic Tank Additives?

Additives Are Not Recommended

Anaerobic bacteria, or microorganisms that do not need air, flow through the water in your plumbing system. But additives disrupt a tank’s bacterial colonies and destroy helpful microorganisms that break down waste. When the beneficial bacteria in a tank are gone, the risk of septic failures increases.

septic tankSome additives can also corrode tank walls. If the hydrogen peroxide in tank additives seeps into your drain field, it will interfere with the natural filtering capacity of your soil.

Septic Systems Need the Right Kind of Care

Instead of disrupting natural septic tank processes with additives, schedule routine pumping. Your local septic tank cleaners can help you devise a schedule if you aren’t sure how often your tank needs attention. Conserve water to avoid stressing your tank. Never do all the laundry for a week on one day, and limit the length of showers.

Also, never flush anything other than waste and toilet paper. Oil, fat, grease, coffee grounds, feminine products, paper towels, and cigarette butts belong in the garbage, not in your drains.


Scheduling septic tank pumping with A-1 Septic Tank & Drain Service will keep your septic system in excellent condition for many years. They serve home and businesses throughout northern Mississippi and use their extra-long hoses to keep their trucks off your yard. Call (662) 895-8950 today to make an appointment, or visit them online for more information about their septic and drain cleaning services. 
