
Whether your employees work with coffees on their desks or you host relaxed office parties with alcohol, there are many opportunities for your carpet to become the victim of sudden spills. If you have this absorbent flooring type in your workplace, you must learn how to get rid of discoloration without causing further damage. To protect your investment, here’s a guide to handling a few problematic stains you may encounter.

Removing Tough Carpet Stains in the Workplace

1. Red Wine

Start by blotting this dreaded carpet stain, not wiping, which could spread it deeper into the fibers. Once you’ve absorbed all the liquid you can, pour cold water on the stain and blot again. Next, mix three parts water with one part baking soda, and apply the paste to the spot. Once it dries, vacuum over it to remove the residue. 

2. Coffee

carpetBlot this stain with a paper or dish towel before pouring a cup of cool water over it to dilute the color. Then, continue to blot until you can no longer absorb any more liquid. In a bowl, mix 2 cups of warm water and ¼ of lemon juice with a squirt of dishwashing soap. Dip a clean sponge into this mixture and wring it out. Then, rub the coffee stain from the edges inward, making small circles as you work to the center. Finally, rinse the stain with cool water, and press on a dry towel to soak up the rest.

3. Pet Urine

If you run a pet-friendly office, you may come across a few suspicious round puddles. As soon as you notice this type of stain, blot it with a clean towel to soak up the liquid. Then, if possible, use a wet-dry vacuum to remove excess urine. Afterward, mix ¼ teaspoon of dishwashing detergent with 1 cup of warm water and place the mixture in a spray bottle. Spray the stain and use the wet-dry vacuum once more, or blot the treated stain with paper towels. Finally, rinse with warm water and repeat all these steps until the stain fades. 


If you need to replace a stained or outdated office carpet, head to O'Connor's Carpet Center of the Bronx, NY. They have over 46 years of experience providing top-quality flooring for commercial clients in all of New York City, Lower Connecticut, and New Jersey, including carpeting, hardwood, and vinyl flooring. They also offer installation and carpet cleaning services for your convenience. Visit their website to learn more about their offerings or call (718) 409-2020 to speak with a staff member about a project.
