
Ants can become a large problem in the kitchen, especially during the summer months. Once they get into the home, they quickly find their way into easily accessible food. Your pest control professional will help keep the ants at bay. In addition to this service, below are steps you can take to protect your kitchen from these hungry bugs.

4 Steps You Can Take to Combat an Ant Problem

1. Identify Access Points

The first thing you should do is find out where the ants are gaining access to your kitchen. If you can alert your pest control technician how pests are gaining access to your home, they can pay special attention to those areas. Additionally, you may be able to seal up those access points to help control the number of ants infiltrating your kitchen.

2. Seal Food Containers

Open cereal boxes are a tempting target for ants due to the high sugar content. If possible, transfer cereal to plastic containers and ensure the lids are always sealed tightly. You should also use plastic containers for other items that may otherwise be easily accessed by ants, such as brown sugar and cake mix. Your residential pest control technician may offer additional recommendations about storing your food safely.

3. Keep Counters & Floors Clean 

Pest ControlA few leftover food particles or a few drops of fruit juice spilled onto the floor can draw the attention of common household ants. This is true even when you have a pest removal service regularly treating your home with traps. In order to ensure that your kitchen remains ant-free, it’s important to clean kitchen counters, tabletops, and floors with soapy water anytime food has been prepared. This will help ensure that the tempting treats have been eliminated.

4. Store Fresh Fruit in a Secure Location

It may be beneficial to conduct an online search to find out which fruits can be refrigerated. Ants will have a harder time accessing produce if it is in the refrigerator or freezer. Some fresh fruits must be stored at room temperature, but that doesn’t mean you should make them an open target for ant invasions. Relocate open fruit bowls to a part of the kitchen that would be more difficult for ants to reach. You can also store fruit in a sealable container. If you cannot prevent the influx of ants in your home, contact a pest control professional before the condition worsens. 


Hi-Tech Pest Pros is a pest control service in Houston, TX, that offers treatments for residential and commercial clients. They can help get rid of insects, rodents, and other types of pests. Visit their website to request a quote, or call (281) 335-5725 to arrange for a free consultation.
