
Someone’s fingernails can reveal a lot about them. For example, a person who bites or picks at theirs may be stressed about something. More seriously, changes in their color, texture, or shape may indicate an underlying health issue. While you should go to a dermatologist for answers in these cases, the guide below looks at some concerning signs.

Problems With Nails That You Shouldn’t Ignore

1. Yellow Nails

Yellow nail syndrome is a rare condition that causes your fingernails and toenails to thicken, turn yellow, and stop growing. The nails may also separate from the nail bed or fall out. This is usually a warning sign for lung disease or rheumatoid arthritis, but it could also be a nail infection that requires medical treatment. In either case, consult your dermatologist to discuss concerns and treatment options.

2. Curved Nails

When your nails curl downward over the tip unnaturally, it is referred to as “clubbing.” In these situations, your fingertips are likely to swell and your nails may feel spongy when pressed on. In some cases, it can be a genetic trait, but it can also be a warning sign of bigger health issues, including cancer and diseases of the lungs, heart, liver, stomach, or intestine.

3. Pitted Nails

dermatologistPitting refers to tiny little depressions in your nails, almost as if someone has taken a needle and indented your nail multiple times. Some with this problem also experience discoloration, deformation, or nail thickening. The most common causes of this include psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, and alopecia areata. A dermatologist will be able to examine your nails to see if you have these conditions.

4. Redness & Swelling

In most cases, redness and swelling around the nail—called Paronychia—points to an infection that needs medical soaks and antibiotics. Seek treatment sooner than later, because open sores can form that will require more extensive care.


Have you noticed any of the above changes? Consult the experts at Heibel Dermatology Clinic, LLC in Lincoln, NE. Dr. Heibel is certified by the American Board of Dermatology. He has over 20 years of experience serving the community—treating everything from sunspots to cancer. Visit his website to learn more about his team and their offerings. Call (402) 488-6969 to book a dermatologist appointment.
