
Despite the recent advancements that have made braces more effective, more comfortable, and even removable, they’re still an orthodontic appliance that should be handled with a certain amount of care. One important step you can take to maintain your braces—whether they’re invisalign braces or the traditional metal braces—is avoiding certain foods. Cincinnati’s top orthodontist, Dr. Lamont Jacobs, and the orthodontic experts at Lamont Jacobs Orthodontics, Inc. with offices in Oxford and Fairfield, OH, are here to talk about foods you should avoid when you’re wearing braces.

Generally, it’s important to try and stay away from foods that are hard, sticky, or chewy. Orthodontists frequently recommend that their brace-wearing patients stick to soft foods simply because they’re more gentle on the brackets and wires that anchor the braces in place. And if you are going to eat hard or tough foods, like raw vegetables, French bread, or meat, it’s best if you cut them up into small pieces and chew with your back teeth rather than biting into your food with your front teeth.

That being said, there are a few foods that you stay away from at all costs, since they can cause significant damage to your braces. Here’s Dr. Lamont’s list of the top five foods to avoid when you’re wearing braces:

  • Gum
  • Popcorn
  • Nuts
  • Hard or sticky candy
  • Ice

And of course, if you have any questions about foods you can or can’t eat, you can always just ask Dr. Lamont or one of the staff members at Lamont Jacobs Orthodontics, Inc.

When it comes to orthodontic care, you deserve the best. The team at Lamont Jacobs Orthodontics, Inc. has the best reputation and the most experience in the Cincinnati, OH area. They offer a wide variety of braces, and use state of the art equipment and techniques to ensure that your smile is as beautiful and healthy as possible. 

Best of all, they’re dedicated to making superior orthodontic treatment available to everyone. Not only will they help you create a payment plan that suits your financial needs, but they also offer discounts to patients who pay in full before receiving treatment and to patients who have other family members who are being treatment at Lamont Jacobs Orthodontics, Inc.

With Lamont Jacobs Orthodontics, Inc., straightening your smile will be a fun, pleasant experience. Schedule your appointment today by visiting their website, or calling (513) 829-7045.
