
Bringing a dog into your home is a joyful time; however, it can be easy to overlook the dangers on your property amidst the excitement. Many substances that are perfectly safe for humans can be toxic to canines, causing trips to the animal hospital. Here are a few common household items that are harmful to dogs and how to keep dangerous products out of your home.

Common Items That Can Hurt Your Dog

1. Cleaning Products

Bleach and toilet cleaning tablets can lead to skin and coat irritation as well as respiratory problems, and dryer sheets can become lodged in the intestinal tract, causing dangerous blockages that can lead to blood poisoning. Keep pet-safe cleaning products in your home as other formulas can cause upset stomachs, vomiting, and diarrhea. Check labels carefully before you purchase cleaning products, or consider buying cleaners from pet stores.

2. Tulips

animal hospitalAlthough these flowers are beautiful, they can be fatal for your dog. Tulips can cause depression, vomiting, diarrhea, and drooling. While the bulb is the most poisonous part of a tulip, the entire flower is toxic and shouldn’t be placed in homes with dogs.

3. Essential Oils

Even natural substances can be dangerous for dogs. Essential oils, which are the concentrated oils derived from plants, flowers, and herbs, can be fatal for canines. Common offenders include Melaleuca, pennyroyal, wintergreen, and pine oils, which can cause damage to the gastrointestinal tract and respiratory system, leading to pneumonia.

Never diffuse essential oils in your home if you have dogs since some blends can contain oils that can make them ill, potentially causing the need for observation at an animal hospital. Additionally, check cleaning products for dangerous essential oils.


If your pet has recently ingested something they shouldn’t have, contact the skilled team at Ohana Veterinary Hospital in Honolulu, HI. For over 23 years, this animal hospital has helped Oahu pet owners care for their furry friends by providing in-house diagnostics, surgical treatments, and digital X-rays. Dedicated to providing quality pet care, they also offer nutritional counseling and even make house calls. Learn more about this animal hospital’s services online, or call (808) 845-1762 to schedule an appointment.
