
Vinyl banners are great promotional items to get your brand and information out to as many customers as possible. You can place these at your storefront to attract passersby or use them throughout your facility to promote products and services. If you’re in the process of designing one, you may wonder what steps to take to make it effective. To help you create an eye-catching product, here are a few designing tips to keep in mind.

How to Design a Promotional Banner

1. Legibility

To be effective, your vinyl banner must be easy to read from any distance. Make sure your design reads top to bottom and left to right so your customers can follow the information with ease. Choose sans-serif fonts like Arial and Geneva, which don’t contain strokes that are harder to read. Avoid long paragraphs and stick with concise phrases to cover your company’s products or services.

2. Color Palette

If your brand features certain colors, include those in your vinyl banner design. Not only will the color scheme make your company recognizable, but it will also make your banner pop, garnering more attention. If you don’t have specific colors, choose a palette that is appropriate for your business. For example, a florist may choose a bright, colorful design while a law office will fare better with understated hues like navy or black. 

3. Contact Information

Always include your contact information so clients and customers know how to reach you. This includes phone numbers, websites, email addresses, and social media handles. Make sure these elements are large enough so someone reading from a distance can still see that they’re there. Avoid stuffing this information too close to other blocks of copy where it will get lost. Instead, opt for placing it at the top or bottom of the banner.

vinyl banner4. Images & Logos

Images are a great addition to a vinyl banner to make it stand out. Always choose high-resolution files to avoid a pixelated result. The same goes for your logo. In Photoshop, save images as CMYK instead of the digital media-standard RGB, and make sure they are set at 300 DPI (dots per inch). Check that your image also makes sense with your business’ products or services, such a beautiful smile for a dentist’s office or tools for a plumber.

5. Spacing

Avoid overcrowding your banner design. Carefully plan the layout so that copy does not become too packed and pictures do not overwhelm the final result. There should be at least a few inches of space between sections of text, images, and contact information. Leaving negative space will give the background room to “breathe” and help people absorb the information as they read it.


If you want to print a vinyl banner, call the professionals of Printing Plus. Serving the Greater Rochester, NY, area since 1978, this printing service offers fast, reliable solutions to your advertising needs. Their high-quality results will bring more customers to your door. Whether you need to create labels or business cards, they’ll be happy to work with you on a design. Find pricing information on their website or call (585) 424-6740 to discuss your project.
