
Cultivating a positive work environment keeps employees happy and motivated, and it makes them eager to stay with the company. When deciding on fun activities for the team, consider planning a happy hour celebration. Socializing outside of the office will help colleagues build stronger bonds, which can improve how well they work together. To ensure the event goes off without a hitch, follow the below advice. 

How to Ensure the Success of Your Office Happy Hour

1. Choose a Slow Work Week

Some work weeks are more hectic than others, which can make it difficult for some staffers to relax and unwind during the happy hour. That’s why you should look at the schedule for the next month and pick a date when everyone will be less stressed. This could be after finishing a major project or meeting a deadline. If employees aren’t stuck late at the office, more people will attend the gathering. 

2. Give Advance Notice

Lincoln-Nebraska-happy-hourOnce you settle on a date, let your colleagues know. This should be a few weeks before the event, giving everyone time to save the date and adjust their schedules so they can attend. Send out a mass email with location details as well as a few reminders leading up to the happy hour. You can also set up an event page on Facebook to keep track of who has accepted your invitation.  

3. Pick a Venue With Variety

People have varying preferences, so pick a venue with a diverse drink selection. This increases the chances that everyone in the group will find an alcoholic or non-alcoholic beverage to enjoy. If you host the happy hour right after work, people will probably be hungry. The pub should also have snacks or bar fare to munch on. 

4. Set a Budget

If you plan to treat the staff to an open bar during the happy hour, figure out how much you’re willing to spend ahead of time. Let the staff at the establishment know your price range, so they can recommend options to ensure you don’t go over budget. Depending on the number of people in your group, they might also offer special rates.


Whether you want to toast the end of a long work week with colleagues or catch up with friends over drinks, your entire party will be impressed with the happy hour deals at Lancaster's Lounge & Off-Sale. Since 1989, the bar and restaurant in Lincoln, NE, has been known for its diverse wine, liquor, and beer selections. To learn more about the drink specials, call (402) 421-2474. Connect with the cocktail lounge on Facebook for announcements. 
