
It can be alarming to come across a spider in or around your home. These unwelcome critters aren’t typically dangerous, but some may be more threatening or harmful than others. There are several different types that spider control exterminators encounter in California homes. Here are four of the most common.

Spiders You Might Find in California

1. Black Widows

The black widow spider has quite a reputation for its poisonous bite. You’re likely to spot them in a dry, covered area, such as a barn or a shed on your property. The one to watch for is the female; males are smaller, not usually black, and typically don’t bite. By contrast, females range from dark brown to black and feature a red hourglass mark on their bodies. Their bite can produce pain, irritation, redness, and even nausea. It’s important to seek medical assistance promptly in this case

2. Brown Widows

Brown widow spiders feature brown and tan bodies with black accents. They also feature an orange hourglass marking. They’re often found in shaded areas where they can sit undisturbed for extended periods, such as mailboxes, garden pots, garages, and the bottoms of patio furniture. Although their venom is not as harmful as a black widow’s, they can be painful and leave the site red and irritated. As they run rampant in California, it’s smart for homeowners to practice basic spider control: maintain a clutter-free space and seal openings.

3. American House Spiders

spider controlRecognizable by their long, spindly, hairy legs, American house spiders are very commonly found inside homes. You can find these critters in the corner of a room or a window, inside a closet, in the basement or attic, inside a pantry, or beneath furniture. They love warm, humid, and dark spaces where they can comfortably construct their webs. Since they don’t see very well, they are relatively harmless. Their bite may inflict some pain, but will not cause any serious symptoms.

4. Tarantulas

Tarantulas love the warmth and dryness that California offers. While they’re typically found in desert areas, they can migrate to homes occasionally and remain hidden until nighttime, when they go in search of other insects to eat as prey. Their bite produces a sting, but tarantulas don’t inject poisonous venom. You may experience contact irritation and minor discomfort akin to a bee sting. Decluttering is the best form of spider control you can take to prevent them from making a nest in your home.



The exterminators at Safeguard Pest Control can rid the spiders infesting your property. Serving residents since 1979, they proudly offer services throughout California’s Tuolumne, El Dorado, Calaveras, and Amador counties. Whether you’re interested in spider control, pest control, or any other exterminator service, they can assist. Visit them online to browse their offerings or call (209) 267-1200 to schedule an appointment.
